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Minutes 19March09
Marlborough Community Gardens
Committee Meeting
Thursday, 19th March 2009 @ Riversdale Community House
Neville White, Donald Oakes, Richard Hunter, Peter Crosbie, Judith Crosbie, Tina Fortune, Patricia Clay, Karen Walshe & Tim Newsham
Chris Fortune, Tracey Williams, Richard Kundycki & Fliss
Correspondence in:
Jane Horder – Nelson Media – full page advertisement in Nelson Leader and featured in Saturday Marlb. Express, radio interview
Rosie Bartlett – MDCouncil – water meter installed. Keeping tabs for 3 months to gauge water usage, considering whether to charge or not.
Sharlene of Te Waiha - received funding for their garden and awaiting programme coordinator
Waimarama – organizing visit to gardens in Nelson
Alex Lloyd – sample logos for consideration
Don Cross – proposal for allotment, propagation unit
Correspondence out:
Marlborough Horticulture Society & Slow Food – enquiring to their interest of becoming involved
Matters Arising:
Julie Williams comments:
Refer to Ralph Ballinger's Local Calendar book, an excellent reference tool
Good funding start, still source tools, seeds, plants from the community – keep people involved
Remember community pride. Involve Hunters Garden Marlborough.
For future – become involved in Best Children's Garden by Garden Marlborough judges.
Ask for help, HGM are keen to be involved, encouraging young gardeners.
Health Board and Lions supplied picnic tables, made up by Health Board at their workshops, also Lions for equipment tools, wheelbarrows.
Make sure paths are wide enough. (Thank you Julie)
Tim New sham called Minutes as true and correct, Seconded by Neville White
Treasurer's Report: (Patricia Clay)
Started with $11,250 .00
Paid IRD GST $1125.00
Paid Hessian $104.00
Reimbursed Tina Fortune $734.32
(Golden Bay research trip – travel expenses, accomm. 50% meals, disposable camera) plus working bee expenses and padlock for container
Container $1,000 (9 month lease period) plus moving cost – account yet to be received – option to purchase in future
Balance $9161.62
Neville White has presented reimbursements for working bee costs
Patricia suggested all reimbursements be presented before the next meeting so they can be included in the accounts for payment at the meeting
Patricia called Treasurer's Report as true and correct, moved by Richard Hunter
Coordinator's Report: (Tina Fortune)
Special thank you to Neville White and Richard Hunter, for their effort and time given over the past month towards the various projects underway.
Refer attached report.
Garden Team Leader Report: (Richard Hunter)
Don Cross – tutor of National Certificate of Horticulture written proposal to set up a propagation unit with shade house on an allotment. Course is free, funded by Skills Update Training. Would be a commercial enterprise. Presently has 30 students, would like to have 40 students, as this would cover costs to set up the unit.
Refer attached report.
Infrastructure Report: (Neville White)
Neville presented hard copies of:
Layout sketch of the gardens – available on blog site
Task List – to be distributed to members
Information brochure outline
Application & guidelines
Application forms
Raised issue that probably need Constitution – other community gardens have one in place
Draft budget started
Charitable Trust Report: (Patricia Clay)
Draft presented.
$10 each required from each Trustee.
Need to specify allotment rules within trust deed
5-8 trustees required and to be decided upon – name & DOB to be emailed to Patricia @
Patricia to have solicitor look over document for comment
Tim Newsham suggested change the numbers of people required to attend an AGM
Tina F still seeking someone to coordinate funding.
Judith defined funding as sourcing income, fundraising as holding an event to obtain an income.
Research other community gardens to provide ideas
Richard H proposed that every group looks after themselves to minimize trust and funding input
Tim N enquired if any other gardens have used task force green?
Need to list what would need to be maintained, managed outside of plots to ascertain funds required.
Being aware of time, Tina asked if there were any other comments in respect to the Agenda, to please email them to her @
General Business:
Wednesday, 25th March, visit arranged to Waimarama Organic Community Gardens in Nelson.
Tim N raised idea of having senior staff from NMIT, Nelson and Marlborough, on board with the garden – Tina suggested inviting them to the six-month report due in June/July that needs to be undertaken as part of the MOU.
Tim N is to teach organic gardening at NMIT & possibly utilize the gardens.
Demo garden – Tim raised needing to be organized by June for spring demo gardens.
Discussion on logos presented by Tina F on behalf of Alex Lloyd. Richard raised he would like to see more representation of Maori and symbolism of rivers and mountains. Richard to email a brief to Tina, to go back to Alex with.
Tina to contact 6 garden team members to weed and turnover the soil on 3 allotments, asap.
Judith presented material relating to Lyttleton Community Gardens, Ellerslie Garden Show and Christchurch Community Garden map.
Questions to be considered by all:
"What do you think is a community garden?"
"Who do you think will use the allotments in the community gardens?"
"Who do you think will visit the community gardens?"
Email your answers to
Meeting closed 9.15pm
Next Meeting: 9.30am, Thursday, 16th March 2009 @ Riversdale Community House
Will include a walk and visit to the Marlborough Community Gardens.
Working Bee 11 th March and 14 th March