The signed document is now in the hands of the Garden’s Trustees! Well done
Neville White. Now it is time to discuss how the Stage 2 extension will be
5.30pm, Monday, 31st January 2011 @ the Riversdale Community House, 131
Budge Street, Blenheim.
An open forum will be held allowing attendees input into the strategic planning
of the Stage 2 extension. Some items to be discussed; extension of composting
system, a dedicated composting person, addition of a worm farm, small shelter
area to work under, layout of Stage 2 land, etc. Anyone who has an interest in
the Gardens is more than welcome to attend.
There will be a BBQ, please bring a plate of goodies for the table, savoury or
sweet. Wine and juice will be available. A big thank you to Phil Creswell for his
kind donation of the wine for any Garden social occasions.
Stage 2 extension Open Forum
Monday, 31st January 2011
5.30pm @ Riversdale Community
House, 131 Budge Street, Blenheim