Commuinty Gardens Opening Day 28 th Nov - 1 to 3 pm
Minutes 19March09
Marlborough Community Gardens
Committee Meeting
Thursday, 19th March 2009 @ Riversdale Community House
Neville White, Donald Oakes, Richard Hunter, Peter Crosbie, Judith Crosbie, Tina Fortune, Patricia Clay, Karen Walshe & Tim Newsham
Chris Fortune, Tracey Williams, Richard Kundycki & Fliss
Correspondence in:
Jane Horder – Nelson Media – full page advertisement in Nelson Leader and featured in Saturday Marlb. Express, radio interview
Rosie Bartlett – MDCouncil – water meter installed. Keeping tabs for 3 months to gauge water usage, considering whether to charge or not.
Sharlene of Te Waiha - received funding for their garden and awaiting programme coordinator
Waimarama – organizing visit to gardens in Nelson
Alex Lloyd – sample logos for consideration
Don Cross – proposal for allotment, propagation unit
Correspondence out:
Marlborough Horticulture Society & Slow Food – enquiring to their interest of becoming involved
Matters Arising:
Julie Williams comments:
Refer to Ralph Ballinger's Local Calendar book, an excellent reference tool
Good funding start, still source tools, seeds, plants from the community – keep people involved
Remember community pride. Involve Hunters Garden Marlborough.
For future – become involved in Best Children's Garden by Garden Marlborough judges.
Ask for help, HGM are keen to be involved, encouraging young gardeners.
Health Board and Lions supplied picnic tables, made up by Health Board at their workshops, also Lions for equipment tools, wheelbarrows.
Make sure paths are wide enough. (Thank you Julie)
Tim New sham called Minutes as true and correct, Seconded by Neville White
Treasurer's Report: (Patricia Clay)
Started with $11,250 .00
Paid IRD GST $1125.00
Paid Hessian $104.00
Reimbursed Tina Fortune $734.32
(Golden Bay research trip – travel expenses, accomm. 50% meals, disposable camera) plus working bee expenses and padlock for container
Container $1,000 (9 month lease period) plus moving cost – account yet to be received – option to purchase in future
Balance $9161.62
Neville White has presented reimbursements for working bee costs
Patricia suggested all reimbursements be presented before the next meeting so they can be included in the accounts for payment at the meeting
Patricia called Treasurer's Report as true and correct, moved by Richard Hunter
Coordinator's Report: (Tina Fortune)
Special thank you to Neville White and Richard Hunter, for their effort and time given over the past month towards the various projects underway.
Refer attached report.
Garden Team Leader Report: (Richard Hunter)
Don Cross – tutor of National Certificate of Horticulture written proposal to set up a propagation unit with shade house on an allotment. Course is free, funded by Skills Update Training. Would be a commercial enterprise. Presently has 30 students, would like to have 40 students, as this would cover costs to set up the unit.
Refer attached report.
Infrastructure Report: (Neville White)
Neville presented hard copies of:
Layout sketch of the gardens – available on blog site
Task List – to be distributed to members
Information brochure outline
Application & guidelines
Application forms
Raised issue that probably need Constitution – other community gardens have one in place
Draft budget started
Charitable Trust Report: (Patricia Clay)
Draft presented.
$10 each required from each Trustee.
Need to specify allotment rules within trust deed
5-8 trustees required and to be decided upon – name & DOB to be emailed to Patricia @ p.clay@xtra.co.nz
Patricia to have solicitor look over document for comment
Tim Newsham suggested change the numbers of people required to attend an AGM
Tina F still seeking someone to coordinate funding.
Judith defined funding as sourcing income, fundraising as holding an event to obtain an income.
Research other community gardens to provide ideas
Richard H proposed that every group looks after themselves to minimize trust and funding input
Tim N enquired if any other gardens have used task force green?
Need to list what would need to be maintained, managed outside of plots to ascertain funds required.
Being aware of time, Tina asked if there were any other comments in respect to the Agenda, to please email them to her @ marlboroughcommunitygardens@gmail.com
General Business:
Wednesday, 25th March, visit arranged to Waimarama Organic Community Gardens in Nelson.
Tim N raised idea of having senior staff from NMIT, Nelson and Marlborough, on board with the garden – Tina suggested inviting them to the six-month report due in June/July that needs to be undertaken as part of the MOU.
Tim N is to teach organic gardening at NMIT & possibly utilize the gardens.
Demo garden – Tim raised needing to be organized by June for spring demo gardens.
Discussion on logos presented by Tina F on behalf of Alex Lloyd. Richard raised he would like to see more representation of Maori and symbolism of rivers and mountains. Richard to email a brief to Tina, to go back to Alex with.
Tina to contact 6 garden team members to weed and turnover the soil on 3 allotments, asap.
Judith presented material relating to Lyttleton Community Gardens, Ellerslie Garden Show and Christchurch Community Garden map.
Questions to be considered by all:
"What do you think is a community garden?"
"Who do you think will use the allotments in the community gardens?"
"Who do you think will visit the community gardens?"
Email your answers to
Meeting closed 9.15pm
Next Meeting: 9.30am, Thursday, 16th March 2009 @ Riversdale Community House
Will include a walk and visit to the Marlborough Community Gardens.
Working Bee 11 th March and 14 th March
Usufruct - A great way to share the MCG
We know that the needs of the natural world are more important than the economic system, but privatization sees it the other way around. Privatization of land implies the right of the "owner" to use the land in any way he/she/it sees fit including despoiling the land to "make a profit" at the expense of the local community and all other species. Native communities know this and do not voluntarily give up their common resources on which their communities depend until their communities have been destroyed.
Privatization has led to land use "for profit" and not "for community." Our suburban system is at the heart of our economic problems and is the single greatest waste of resources in the history of the world. Privatization has led to a living arrangement with no future.
Usufruct is an old Roman term for the legal right to enjoying the replenishable fruits or profits from property owned by another. This includes the ability sell or let the enjoyment of the usufruct. But what if the owner was your local community? This would end private property.
In tribal communities usufruct means the land is owned in common by the tribe or community, but families and individuals have the right to use plots of land. Most native tribes owned land as a tribal group and not as individuals. The family never owned the land; they just farmed it. In a usufruct system, absentee ownership is not permitted. Modern usufruct examples include Cuba's successful agricultural system, the traditional Mexico ejido system, and the right of native Canadian people to hunt and fish on Crown lands.
Marlborough Community Gardens
Marlborough Community Gardens
Coordinator Report -Tina Fortune
Apologies: Tim Newsham, Karen Walshe
Correspondence In:
Te Rapuora Health Services - confirmed interest in garden plot
Jennie Gane - advice of school education coordinator in Nelson
Correspondence Out:
Rosie Bartlett of MDCouncil - water connection invoice to be sent to Trish
Ross Cooke of Vintage Farm Machinery – brief of Marlborough Annual Tool Drive idea, to be presented at next meeting 1st Monday of the month.
David of Marlborough Express re advertisement for storage container – no replies
Communicating with members
Roz Davenport, Marlborough Express - date of MOU signing article (to be finalized)
Nelly of Slow Food, Shari of Te Rapuora Health Services - discussing option to have an allotment
Pete Smith - childhood education coordinator for edible gardens, Public Health Nelson-Marlborough
Lily Belabun of NMIT - is there more land available?
Met with Alex Lloyd, Graphic Designer - briefed and will present ideas for logo and 'identity'. Would like to support gardens - budget $250?
Interested in diary concept and any other ideas that come along.
Met with Rosie Bartlett & Kathy MDCouncil in respect to plans, layout and funding.
Rosie to forward plans defining land ownership for future prospects.
Plus information relating to funding for capital expenditure on gardens, ie. fencing, etc.
Kath to draft a layout plan as outlined by Tina F at meeting for MCGardens to consider.
Suggested approaching HortResearch re grapevine 'hedging' around garden.
Kath also mentioned some of the challenges and systems of the Golden Bay Community Garden.
Total of water connection looks to be $2200 - invoice to come after resealing completed.
Spoke with Jane Horder, Nelson Media Agency – fortnightly article on MCGardens.
Meeting with Richard Hunter today at 12noon, 18Feb09 to discuss garden layout.
Will report at meeting.
Marlborough Community Gardens
Marlborough Community Gardens
Committee Meeting
Thursday, 19th February, 2009 @ Riversdale Community House
Mark Lower, Neville White, Donald Oakes, Richard Hunter, Peter Crosbie, Judith Crosbie, Tina Fortune, Patricia Clay
Chris Fortune, Tracey Williams, Karen Walshe, Sharon White, Tim Newsham
Correspondence in:
Jennie Gane informed Tina F of a School education coordinator for edible gardens both for the school and community
Correspondence out:
Refer coordinator's report
Matters Arising:
Reviewed key points of last meeting
Judith has found a few snippets from the past to begin the History Calendar of the MCGardens
Tina F will organize a diary/book for the notes to go in to and then notes will be added as the MCGardens progress
Mark L suggested the word "endeavour" – the MCGardens endeavours to be organic
Donald called Minutes as true and correct, Seconded by Peter
Coordinator's Report:
Refer attached – comments that arose were:
Clouston Gardens, Springlands mentioned as a place to visit that has an edible orchard, etc – view for inspiration
Tina F checked on placement of container, it was decided in front of the Kohunga Reo fence.
Garden Team Leader Report:
Meeting with Tina F raised the importance of contacting the interested parties for allotments and having them start work on their allotments.
Donald stated that he will meet with Richard H to select an allotment.
Donald talked about the need for forward thinking – planning and planting for winter.
Tina F suggested a growing calendar, one page document that could provide planting suggestions. Something to guide gardeners on the time to plant.
Richard mentioned what is growing, is growing prolifically – especially the silverbeet and there is watermelon – proves the richness of the soil
Treasurers Report:
$11,250 being held in Marlborough Farmers' Market bank account – no withdrawals, as yet.
Strategy Team
MOU signing article will feature in the Marlborough Express, Tina F.
Tina F requested the possibility of more land from Lily Belabun, NMIT, not yet.
Tina F requested a Schedule/Time Plan be created by suggestions from the members, looking towards the Sept/Oct launch
Tina F still seeking someone to coordinate funding
2/…Community Groups
Lynn Johnson of MDC is the Community Liaison Officer – excellent contact for community organizations
Charitable Trust
Trish noted the word 'Edible' had been quietly dropped from the original name, for the Deed what will be the official name? Discussion followed and it was decided the legal name will be The Marlborough Community Gardens with a subtitle with the word 'edible' included. Along the lines of The Marlborough Farmers' Market, Fresh from the gate to the dinner plate.
Trish outlined and discussed the wording under the heading of Aims. Members will receive the Deed draft by email to review and comment.
Establish Strategy Plan
Tina F asked each member at the meeting to suggest their view on the priority of tasks they would like to see on the Time Schedule Plan, looking towards the launch Sept/Oct
Marlborough District Council
Plans for layout of garden have been finalized at a meeting Tina F had with Rosie Bartlett and Kath. Plans will be drawn up and forwarded to Tina F when completed
Funding applications for MDC are due; an application will be forwarded for completion
Sheps Park (Severne Street) and Henderson Park (off Gardiner Street) were suggested by Rosie Bartlett as other excellent sites for MCGarden
Tenancy Agreement of allotments
Tina F and Neville W working on a business model for the MCGardens, points such as "do we have a tenancy agreement?" for allotments
Tina F referred to some of the agreement that Golden Bay Gardens has with their tenants
A time and day will be arranged to visit the Golden Bay Gardens and possibly two established gardens in Nelson
General Business
Tina F posted the question: "How does a small area, which is made up of 12 allotments become sustainable?" Discussion followed, prefer not to rely on funding but more on Community buy-in and educational projects
Neville W and Tina F will draft proposal of "business model" to attempt sustainable
Layout of allotments was discussed, Richard to map and peg out paths around each allotment for definition and access. Also a 'reflective' area will be incorporated for gardeners and visitors to sit and "share a flask of tea and chat".
Is wheelchair access needed – Yes
Meeting closed 8.25pm
Next Meeting: 7pm, Thursday, 19th March 2009 @ Riversdale Community House
Minutes of MCF Meeting 5 th FEB 09
Marlborough Community Gardens
Committee Meeting
Thursday, 5th February, 2009 @ Riversdale Community House
Karen Walshe, Neville White, Sharon White, Donald Oakes, Richard Hunter, Peter Crosbie, Judith Crosbie, Tim Newsham, Tina Fortune, Patricia Clay
Chris Fortune, Tracey Williams,
Correspondence in:
Notification of $10,000 funding received. Health Board, letter of engagement. Rosie Bartlett of MDC, water connected
Correspondence out:
Communication with members, Tina
Matters Arising:
Reviewed key points of last meeting
Coordinator’s Report:
As attached.
Garden Team Leader Report:
Water working well.
Issues identified - Lucerne, twitch and daytura. Mowed but returned. Spraying not an option because of nearby growing veges. PD been in but not effective. Tim Newsham suggested planting dense green crop.
Vandalism has occurred; try to encourage them to become involved.
Treasurers Report:
$10,000 received.
Appoint Secretary: Tracey Williams volunteered verbally to Tina F to undertake the role of Secretary.
Infrastructure of strategy and garden teams: Karen Walshe offered to take the role of Marketing.
Events for the garden, Tina F offered to oversee.
Tim Newsham offered to help with promoting gardens to schools and placed forward ideas, which will be referenced as the gardens progress.
Education/Mentoring – possibly Julie Williams to advise and Tim Newsham.
Before next meeting, infrastructure will be finalized, ie. persons dedicated to sourcing funding, garden layout/landscaping,
Incorporation: Patricia suggested the MCGardens register as a Charitable Trust and will look into what is required. Tim suggested using other garden constitutions as a guideline for MCGardens.
Allocation of funds as per MOU: agreed to pay for water connection, organize lease of container, begin work on “Annual” tool drive aiming to do after Easter, Richard H to purchase tools that are needed now and will be reimbursed, or a cheque written, for the cost of same, Marlborough Farmers’ Market to continue support until MCGardens independent – Patricia (Treasurer) to receive a token donation at completion of pilot project and Tina F (coordinator) payment to be discussed at a later date, **promotion of gardens to begin with designing logo, branding, ‘business model’, signage and newsletter.
History record/timeline will be collated by Judith Crosbie and added to as the garden progresses.
Page 2
General Business
Signing of MOU in paper, Tina F to find out date inserted.
Allotment sites have been pegged, groups to see Richard Hunter for allocation.
Riversdale Community House, Te Rapaoura, Tracey Williams expressed interest in past for a site.
Decided to leave organic until later date and increase sites from 6 to 12.
Allotments 10m x 30m each
Donald advised time to plant brassicas, autumn/winter crop now.
Tina F would like to link all other edible gardens in Marlborough and sees the MCGardens as the “mother” or centre point of these gardens – seed bank, tools, education, etc
Tim N suggested one person be appointed responsibility for the maintenance of the MCG tools, individual allotments will have their own tools and be responsible for their maintenance.
Tim N suggested a school competition for the name of the gardens, Tina felt the energy, time and outcome may not be where we would like it placed at this point of the pilot – but use the concept at a later date. Excellent marketing tool.
Richard H mentioned the idea of painting a mural on the fence that runs alongside the gardens to brighten the area.
Don C suggested an AA road sign.
Tina F mentioned the Marlborough Farmers’ Market would move beside the gardens on its launch day in Sept/Oct to offer support.
Tina F suggested a sign by the garden showing the sketch of the final layout of the gardens. To help people visualize the intention.
Tina F to approach Radio and newspaper, once ** is completed and in place.
Tina F suggested an Information Pack for those interested in having an allotment at the gardens.
Tina F said there is a Community Stall at the farmers’ market for gardeners from the MCGardens to sell their fresh produce plus have a stall or outlet at the gardens for selling.
Tina F keen to visit a successful community garden in the Nelson region to identify issues that may arise.
Judith and Peter C are visiting the Canterbury Community Gardens in March.
Riversdale Community House received their funding for their garden project.
Meeting closed 8.35pm
Next Meeting: 7pm, Thursday, 19th February 2009 @ Riversdale Community House
Ralph Ballinger
Few Lincoln alumni can claim to be still writing and publishing books in their nineties, as 1940 B Ag Science graduate Ralph Ballinger can. Ballinger has a long personal and professional association with the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture, serving for many years on the executive then as Chairman and President. Among other awards, he received an OBE in 1978 for his services to horticulture and was made an Associate of Honour of the RNZIH in 1987.
However, it is not just the inspirational feat of publishing his memoirs at aged 91 that makes Ballinger’s book such an interesting read. In this autobiographical journey the author also parallels New Zealand’s horticultural development in the second half of the 20th century. After graduating from Lincoln, he served in World War 2 and was seconded to participate in seed production research in England. This pivotal move was the instigation for his subsequent work when he returned to New Zealand after the war and pioneered several horticultural industries including asparagus production and even New Zealand’s only ever commercial poppy (and opium) production.
While a noted figure in horticultural circles throughout New Zealand, Ballinger’s biggest presence has been in Marlborough where his contribution to horticulture and life-story unfolds as a not-so-typical but quintessential New Zealand, story. It is a story of family fun, holidays in the Marlborough Sounds and the challenges of horticultural endeavours.
MCG Objectives for the next 12 months
Objectives next 12 months
¢ Coordination of a steering group or management structure
¢ Tool drive and seed bank/collection
¢ Identify mentors from the community
¢ Establish partners in business and community
¢ Secure ongoing funding or establish self sufficiency
¢ Actively promote the gardens to the wider community