Marlborough Community Gardens
Committee Meeting
Thursday, 19th February, 2009 @ Riversdale Community House
Mark Lower, Neville White, Donald Oakes, Richard Hunter, Peter Crosbie, Judith Crosbie, Tina Fortune, Patricia Clay
Chris Fortune, Tracey Williams, Karen Walshe, Sharon White, Tim Newsham
Correspondence in:
Jennie Gane informed Tina F of a School education coordinator for edible gardens both for the school and community
Correspondence out:
Refer coordinator's report
Matters Arising:
Reviewed key points of last meeting
Judith has found a few snippets from the past to begin the History Calendar of the MCGardens
Tina F will organize a diary/book for the notes to go in to and then notes will be added as the MCGardens progress
Mark L suggested the word "endeavour" – the MCGardens endeavours to be organic
Donald called Minutes as true and correct, Seconded by Peter
Coordinator's Report:
Refer attached – comments that arose were:
Clouston Gardens, Springlands mentioned as a place to visit that has an edible orchard, etc – view for inspiration
Tina F checked on placement of container, it was decided in front of the Kohunga Reo fence.
Garden Team Leader Report:
Meeting with Tina F raised the importance of contacting the interested parties for allotments and having them start work on their allotments.
Donald stated that he will meet with Richard H to select an allotment.
Donald talked about the need for forward thinking – planning and planting for winter.
Tina F suggested a growing calendar, one page document that could provide planting suggestions. Something to guide gardeners on the time to plant.
Richard mentioned what is growing, is growing prolifically – especially the silverbeet and there is watermelon – proves the richness of the soil
Treasurers Report:
$11,250 being held in Marlborough Farmers' Market bank account – no withdrawals, as yet.
Strategy Team
MOU signing article will feature in the Marlborough Express, Tina F.
Tina F requested the possibility of more land from Lily Belabun, NMIT, not yet.
Tina F requested a Schedule/Time Plan be created by suggestions from the members, looking towards the Sept/Oct launch
Tina F still seeking someone to coordinate funding
2/…Community Groups
Lynn Johnson of MDC is the Community Liaison Officer – excellent contact for community organizations
Charitable Trust
Trish noted the word 'Edible' had been quietly dropped from the original name, for the Deed what will be the official name? Discussion followed and it was decided the legal name will be The Marlborough Community Gardens with a subtitle with the word 'edible' included. Along the lines of The Marlborough Farmers' Market, Fresh from the gate to the dinner plate.
Trish outlined and discussed the wording under the heading of Aims. Members will receive the Deed draft by email to review and comment.
Establish Strategy Plan
Tina F asked each member at the meeting to suggest their view on the priority of tasks they would like to see on the Time Schedule Plan, looking towards the launch Sept/Oct
Marlborough District Council
Plans for layout of garden have been finalized at a meeting Tina F had with Rosie Bartlett and Kath. Plans will be drawn up and forwarded to Tina F when completed
Funding applications for MDC are due; an application will be forwarded for completion
Sheps Park (Severne Street) and Henderson Park (off Gardiner Street) were suggested by Rosie Bartlett as other excellent sites for MCGarden
Tenancy Agreement of allotments
Tina F and Neville W working on a business model for the MCGardens, points such as "do we have a tenancy agreement?" for allotments
Tina F referred to some of the agreement that Golden Bay Gardens has with their tenants
A time and day will be arranged to visit the Golden Bay Gardens and possibly two established gardens in Nelson
General Business
Tina F posted the question: "How does a small area, which is made up of 12 allotments become sustainable?" Discussion followed, prefer not to rely on funding but more on Community buy-in and educational projects
Neville W and Tina F will draft proposal of "business model" to attempt sustainable
Layout of allotments was discussed, Richard to map and peg out paths around each allotment for definition and access. Also a 'reflective' area will be incorporated for gardeners and visitors to sit and "share a flask of tea and chat".
Is wheelchair access needed – Yes
Meeting closed 8.25pm
Next Meeting: 7pm, Thursday, 19th March 2009 @ Riversdale Community House