Marlborough Community Gardens
Coordinator Report -Tina Fortune
Apologies: Tim Newsham, Karen Walshe
Correspondence In:
Te Rapuora Health Services - confirmed interest in garden plot
Jennie Gane - advice of school education coordinator in Nelson
Correspondence Out:
Rosie Bartlett of MDCouncil - water connection invoice to be sent to Trish
Ross Cooke of Vintage Farm Machinery – brief of Marlborough Annual Tool Drive idea, to be presented at next meeting 1st Monday of the month.
David of Marlborough Express re advertisement for storage container – no replies
Communicating with members
Roz Davenport, Marlborough Express - date of MOU signing article (to be finalized)
Nelly of Slow Food, Shari of Te Rapuora Health Services - discussing option to have an allotment
Pete Smith - childhood education coordinator for edible gardens, Public Health Nelson-Marlborough
Lily Belabun of NMIT - is there more land available?
Met with Alex Lloyd, Graphic Designer - briefed and will present ideas for logo and 'identity'. Would like to support gardens - budget $250?
Interested in diary concept and any other ideas that come along.
Met with Rosie Bartlett & Kathy MDCouncil in respect to plans, layout and funding.
Rosie to forward plans defining land ownership for future prospects.
Plus information relating to funding for capital expenditure on gardens, ie. fencing, etc.
Kath to draft a layout plan as outlined by Tina F at meeting for MCGardens to consider.
Suggested approaching HortResearch re grapevine 'hedging' around garden.
Kath also mentioned some of the challenges and systems of the Golden Bay Community Garden.
Total of water connection looks to be $2200 - invoice to come after resealing completed.
Spoke with Jane Horder, Nelson Media Agency – fortnightly article on MCGardens.
Meeting with Richard Hunter today at 12noon, 18Feb09 to discuss garden layout.
Will report at meeting.